Friday, February 17, 2012

salah terus

pagi ini agak kecewa,
berteman dan bersahabat itu tidak mudah, apalagi klo jarang bertemu dan berkomunikasi
kadang disaat kita sedang sibuk"a mereka ingin bertemu namun tempat dan waktu bagi kita tidak memungkinkan, hingga akhir'a kita yang salah dengan anggapan sombonglah, sok sibukalah ..padahal kenyataan'a memang tak begitu jauh, kita lagi sibuk dan dia mengajak bertemu dengan area yang cukup jauh dari tempat tinggal kita, apalagi klo keuangan juga tidak mendukung..
serba salah kan???

buat kau" yang dsana,
maav jika menurut kalian saya terlalu sombong ataupun sok..
saya bakal menemui kalo waktu itu memungkinkan,
semoga saya di maavkan

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

sour sweet day :)

long time no see *gubrak deh

this time i just wanna share what i and may friends did this day,
ahh ya, today is valenday right? many people said today is day of love, regularly boys or girls will gave chocolate or flower or gift to people who they loved,
but to me it's nonsense because day of love is every day not just today, isn't it?
oke, forget it, let's follow what i did today..
actually we must Went to Company at 10 o'clock, but today we went at 11 o'clock, *badhabbit right???
yaa, we did it because my lecture who worked there didn't come, so we can enjoyed *hahha bandel
and then we decided to went to City Walk and wasting time at JCO, *banyak duit :D
and u know what we did there, we took photo, we so narsis, didn't us?
before we went to City Walk we have taken some photoes at Pak Inglesjz office,
let see what posed we made,

actually still to much, but i think it enough to known what we did at Pak Inglesjz office, :D

niat mo ngetik Laporan PI sambil nyantai eh,, malah ngabisin waktu buat foto",

look her face, *mupeng abis haha

hahhhaa, this photo like us got dating,
i'm still normal, who missing my prince which ride limusin *ngimpi